Friday, December 14, 2018

Magazine from Shohan's Lab

Join our facebook group and download our First free online magazine.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Bit Shift memory register with D Flip-Flop

D Flip-Flop can be used as data storage that can store binary data. The data can be inserted with clock and data switch. In this video I have shown some techniques for inserting data inside a D Flip-Flop IC.
The IC I have used in this Video is 74175 Quad D Flip-Flop IC. Here is a block diagram I have simulated.
The Block Diagram:

Friday, January 26, 2018

Gesture Controlled Decade Counter with 4026 IC and circuit diagram

This IC needs 5v power supply, a clock button(LDR),a reset button. In this video the practical operations are shown. The circuit is described in the picture.Happy Circuiting! (At the sw1 the LDR was used. If we are using an LDR then we must use Rclk=100K ohm.)

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Dark Sensor with NOT Gate

With a NOT gate and LDR you can make a very simple dark sensor which can be used for making lights turn on while it is dark. The circuit is there in the video. Watch it carefully.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Greetings at Shohan's Lab

This is my new blog for publishing about my Online shop,group,and other discussions. Happy Circuiting.

Magazine from Shohan's Lab

Join our facebook group and download our First free online magazine. Download